Sustainable Development Goals: The Future We Want But Can We Have?
WORLD SCIENCE FORUM JORDAN, Special Session No 22: 11h30 – 13h00, Friday 10th November, Venue: Petra 2, Sea Floor.
Session Summary:
Adopted by the UN just a year before Donald Trump’s election and the rise of ‘America First’, the subsequent collapse of the planned US-Asia trade bloc, the UK Brexit Referendum and the call for reform of NAFTA, NATO and the UN system, this session examines whether the 17 Sustainable Development Goals underpinned by 169 targets were always based on ideology and unrealistic promises or might, in fact, deliver action and results. Concrete case-studies spotlighting future health-care and how climate is literally ‘changing us’ are given, alongside a technical demonstration of upcycled mobile technology monitoring and protecting remote forests, enabling real-time interventions.
African Science, Society & Policy Indaba 2017
Center for the Book – National Library of South Africa.
High-Level Science for Policy Consultation
Evidence-Based Policy Versus Policy-Biased Evidence: The Challenge of Feeding Scientific Advice Into Policy-Making:
Cape Town is the chosen venue for the launch of an annual consultative process looking at the true robustness of science and society-led policy-making inside the Africa 54. The common goal is to arrive at a Cape Town Declaration on Ethics & Principles of Science & Society Policy-Making for Africa in time for the World Science Forum 2021. This indaba is Co-Chaired by Prof. Roseanne Diab, Executive Officer of the Academy of Science of SA (ASSAf) and Prof. Julian Kinderlerer, Emeritus Professor Cape Town University and Member, European Group on Ethics.
Ethics & Principles of Science & Society Policy-Making: The Brussels Declaration
AAAS, 10h00 – 11h30, Friday 17th February 2017, Hynes Convention Center,Boston, USA.
Session Summary:
This talk unveils the Brussels Declaration, a 20-point blueprint for a new set of ethics & principles to inform work at the boundary between science, society and policy. It makes the case for a multi-disciplinary approach encouraging greater integrity and accountability among stakeholders. It brings together the findings from a series of 5 consultation events and symposia at global conferences from 2012-16, in which more than 300 individuals from 35 countries examined the science of science-policy-making.
Why a Bottom-Up Blueprint for Evidence, Ethics & Principles is Revolutionary
Science Forum South Africa, 15h30 – 17h00, Thursday 9th December 2016, South Africa.
Session Summary:
This session announces to the world the findings of over 350 individuals who came together annually over five-years in Brussels, independently of the EU, to codify a unique set of ethics and principles to inform work at the boundary of science, society and public policy. What makes this body of work unique is that it stands alone, anchored by the real-life experiences of ‘bottom-up’ stakeholders from science and society, not ‘top-down’ elites.